Friday, September 14, 2012

Meaning. Back-listed Drafts from Days Past, Part 1.

Everything in life has meaning, has a purpose.

You are alive today because you still have time left, you're not finished yet. You missed your bus and took a different route to avoid one thing, or to put you in the path of another. You met that girl because you need each other.  

Everything in life happens for a reason. 

That's not to say that there is this great plan for the universe and we are just playing  pieces, or that we should completely write off bad things that happen to us because of the meaning they hold. Reason does not simply fall in to our laps. We must instead remain open and aware of possibility. 

Sometimes things happen and we get carried away. 
We get an opportunity for a job and we take it out of excitement without considering the implications. 
We get in a fight and we say things we don't mean out of anger, or we react before we know what's going on. 

I know, I've done it.

Remembering reason makes me think. Makes me analyze. Maybe it has its set backs: sometimes I over analyze or over think things. Sometimes I get lost in meaning and I can't function with what is really happening. But more often than not, I am rewarded with a strong sense of acceptance and understanding in my relationships with others and with where I am at in my life. I can recognize the bad portions, but I can also find the light to pull me through. I'm not ignoring them or saying they are unimportant, simply nullifying their effect on me; finding the beauty that is inherent in all things. 

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