Saturday, April 24, 2010

¿Dónde Está el Amor?

Today I read a disturbing piece of news - it's not that I wasn't aware of the struggle; that I am oblivious; it's just that the story was finally put in front of me and I couldn't ignore it anymore.

Constance McMillen is a lesbian student at Itawamba High School in Mississippi. She said she was going to bring her girlfriend to prom and wear a tuxedo, and as a result, the dance was canceled and moved to a new location - a change that Constance was not warned about. She sued the school and won the case.

Human Rights Campaign used this case to promote the Student Anti-Discrimination Act that is going before congress. I try to stay up to date on LGTB news, and so, got the email about this. I went straight to the HRC Action page and sent letters to the congress members and senators for my area. It was all I felt I could do. I always feel like I am too busy to do more than push legislation - I'm not even a part of our campus GSA - however, that may change in the future.

Anyway, QueerUninty posted a tweet about an update in the Constance scandal: Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the graduation ceremony for Itawamba High School.


Well, they support their argument with the Bible, which says that it is an abomination for "man to lay with mankind, as womankind." They also say that children have learned that they can live their lives in sin and still get in to Heaven, and that God has no standards. Worse, they continue to say that God does not, in fact, love everyone.

I was thrown for a loop, confused, sickened. Everything. Isn't that the most integral part of the Christian religion? That God loves with Agape Love - the unconditional, non-judgmental, unending love - love with open arms? Even if you are in disagreement with someone, I was taught, you still accept them. Let people have their beliefs and live their lives. If you think they are wrong, let them make their own mistakes, but still love them. Be there to catch them if they fall. If you are a Christian, pray for them. But don't hate and shun them. Hatred gets the world nowhere. Hatred sends the world on a downward spiral to disagreement, argument, death, pain, and sorrow. How can people who call themselves Christians be filled with so much hate?

Today's Truth: History does repeat itself. Maybe now we can open our eyes; our ears; our hearts; our minds; and learn. We don't need another Holocaust.

Love someone today.

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