Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Totes Stole This

I read something similar to this, and it made me smile.  A lot. So I am going to be ridiculously unoriginal. And steal it.
Enjoy your contraband :)

The following is a stream of consciousness list of things that have made me happy throughout my day. I hope it puts a smile on your face too :)

When my kitty jumps on my shoulder and curls around my neck.
The smell of morning rain
Napping in the sun
Reminiscing with old friends
Texas Shrimp Pizza
The feel of new clothes
Full-body hugs
Waking up to voices in the other room
The smell of coffee
Michigan Radio weekend programming
The way old, hard-cover books look on a shelf
Belting out a song when you're by yourself - or in a crowd
Sonatina No. 1 by Friedrich Kuhlau
When a singer gives you goosebumps
November leaves
The thrill of kayaking over huge rollers
Playing childishly in big waves
Running my hands through another's hair
Renaissance fashion
Animal prints
The thought of infinity
Riding in a convertible
Smoky clothing
Cow girl boots
Friedrich Alan, my stuffed monkey
Mixed tapes
The feeling before, after, and during opening night
Receiving recognition
Vibrant colors
Gay rights
(500) Days of Summer
The Secret of Kells
The day my life and my future at Saginaw Valley fell into place
The days I made all of my new friends
"Being on the bed" and other tales from my life with Nikki Zwerlein
Talking all night, or at least until the police come
Listening to the world wake up
The sun rise
Bread and Butter
Fruit Salad
Not having to go in for my on-calls
Surprise phone calls
The breeze on my face
Getting a good work schedule
Pay day
The 60s.
"the other man"
Knowing when I'm right
Good waitresses
That energized feeling you get after a good workout.

:) Happiness.

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